About Us
The Nebraska School Counselor Association is division of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA).
Our Mission: The mission of the Nebraska School Counselor Association shall be to represent school counselors and to promote professionalism and ethical practices.
Our Bylaws: Click here for the Bylaws
NSCA Board Policies: Click here for current policies
Governance Structure: The NSCA Governing Board has chosen to adopt the Policy Governance Model, developed by John and Miriam Carver, for its governance structure. Within this model the board determines the large/broad accomplishments the association should achieve and then delegates to the Executive Director to actually execute their implementation. The board is responsible to make sure the identified accomplishments are a reflection of the membership's desires. This approach frees The Board from having to get into the details of how to accomplishment the desired outcomes and from mettling in the fuctionality of the Executive Director and his/her paid or volunteer staff. The Board also sets clear parameters for which the Executive Director must operate within. Since the board is delegating great authority to the Executive Director, The Board also rigorously and systematically monitors the work of the Executive Director to make sure all that the board has stated is being accomplished and within the parameters The Board has established.
Within Policy Governance, all board decisions are in the form of policies that are divided into four types. Two of the policy types (Governance Process Policies and Board-Management Policies) establish how the board will govern, how the board will function as a link between the membership and Executive Director, how the board will delegate to the executive director, how the board will rigorously monitor what it has delegated to the executive director, who the board officers will be and how they will be chosen, how the board will use committees to support its work, and in general how the board will function and conduct itself. A third type of policies are Ends Policies. Through Ends Policies, The Board, with input from the membership, determines in broad terms what the association is to accomplish. The achievement of the Ends Policies are the responsibility of the Executive Director. The final set of policies are the Executive Limitations Policies. This set of policies provide the parameters in which the Executive Director must operate within while achieving the End Policies. This set of policies are written in way that instructs the Executive Director what he/she may not do and by default gives him/her permission and the freedom to do anything not prohibited by Executive Limitations Policies in order to accomplish the Ends Policies.
Our Mission: The mission of the Nebraska School Counselor Association shall be to represent school counselors and to promote professionalism and ethical practices.
Our Bylaws: Click here for the Bylaws
NSCA Board Policies: Click here for current policies
Governance Structure: The NSCA Governing Board has chosen to adopt the Policy Governance Model, developed by John and Miriam Carver, for its governance structure. Within this model the board determines the large/broad accomplishments the association should achieve and then delegates to the Executive Director to actually execute their implementation. The board is responsible to make sure the identified accomplishments are a reflection of the membership's desires. This approach frees The Board from having to get into the details of how to accomplishment the desired outcomes and from mettling in the fuctionality of the Executive Director and his/her paid or volunteer staff. The Board also sets clear parameters for which the Executive Director must operate within. Since the board is delegating great authority to the Executive Director, The Board also rigorously and systematically monitors the work of the Executive Director to make sure all that the board has stated is being accomplished and within the parameters The Board has established.
Within Policy Governance, all board decisions are in the form of policies that are divided into four types. Two of the policy types (Governance Process Policies and Board-Management Policies) establish how the board will govern, how the board will function as a link between the membership and Executive Director, how the board will delegate to the executive director, how the board will rigorously monitor what it has delegated to the executive director, who the board officers will be and how they will be chosen, how the board will use committees to support its work, and in general how the board will function and conduct itself. A third type of policies are Ends Policies. Through Ends Policies, The Board, with input from the membership, determines in broad terms what the association is to accomplish. The achievement of the Ends Policies are the responsibility of the Executive Director. The final set of policies are the Executive Limitations Policies. This set of policies provide the parameters in which the Executive Director must operate within while achieving the End Policies. This set of policies are written in way that instructs the Executive Director what he/she may not do and by default gives him/her permission and the freedom to do anything not prohibited by Executive Limitations Policies in order to accomplish the Ends Policies.